Friday, September 4, 2009

Megalodon Shark Tooth Fossils

The giant Megalodon shark is estimated to have been between 60 and 80 feet long and possibly weighed over 52 tons.  Sharks have existed for over 350 million years, and Megalodon itself appeared 16 million years ago during the Miocene Epoch.  Its fossil teeth have been found globally, and many come from the Carolinas.  The name Megalodon literally means “big tooth” and its teeth can exceed seven inches in length.  Megalodon was a veracious predator and its bite marks have been found on fossilized whale bones.  It might have resembled a modern great white shark, but about six times larger, and these two sharks may belong to the same genus.  Megalodon mysteriously became extinct about 1½ million years ago during the Pleistocene Epoch.
Text by Curtis Sarkin.

A giant Megaolodon tooth from our fossil collection. 
Photo by Curtis Sarkin.

Our new line of Megalodon tooth pendants are wrapped in sterling silver wire. 
Photo by Katie Lovasco.

1 comment:

  1. Love my Meg tooth!! I have had it on all day and had many compliments!!
